• AMD Phenom X4超频能力并没有这么强

    Jeff 发布于2007-11-01 15:58 / 关键字: Phenom, AMD, OverDrive, OC

    注意:本文使用中文、英语进行报道。Notice:This Article is using Chinese and English.

    It seems that all you overclock fans are using the pic to misleading the public. We are just using a unlocked engineering sample, so the AMD OverDrive show the multiplier like this. Those final retail Phenom X4 may have thier multiplier locked. Yes, that OverDrive may have OC ability. But we can almost sure that Phenom X4's ability is not that strong (unless they decide to continue the Black edition on Phenom).


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  • 4个核心4个频率,Phenom X4新玩法

    Jeff 发布于2007-10-31 14:50 / 关键字: Phenom X4, AMD, OverDrive

    注意:本文使用中文、英语进行报道。Notice:This Article is using Chinese and English. We know that in Nov.15 HD 3800 will begin to sell. But we still don't know that RD790 and Phenom X4 will come out earlier(than the AMD plan) or not.

    Here is some news that every AMD fanboy would like:


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