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  • 拼 命 加 载 中 ...   Valve Steam 游戏网络服务器放出了 Left 4 Dead(求生之路)游戏的补丁包,更新了数十个内容,建议玩家下载安装。



        * Fixed Survivors being able to climb surfaces marked for versus infected only
        * Fixed a class of SurvivorBot bugs dealing with rescuing downed players
        * Players can no longer grab ladders while flying through the air after a Tank punch
        * Shooting near a car with an alarm that has already fired the alarm will no longer make chirping noises
        * Improved loading time
        * Fixed mini-gun physics exploit
        * Fixed propane tanks (and other physics objects) causing players to fall through elevators
        * Fixed rare achievement bug issues
        * Fixed several map exploits
        * Fixed various match making issues
        * Fixed NAT traversal issues

    Versus Changes

        * Added HUD elements to show status of other infected players
        * Changed color of infected player name in chat to red
        * Fixed exploit where players could spawn infected bots
        * Fixed instance where a Survivor changing to the infected team would be attacked by infected bots
        * Normalized special infected melee damage
        * Made the following client commands cheat protected: "Kill" and "explode"
        * Fixed exploit where infected players could run away and teleport back to gain health
        * Players can only change teams once per map
        * Players can't change teams while other players are still loading
        * Tank spawns at the same % through the map for both teams in versus mode
        * Made the Tank and Witch spawn directly on the escape route
        * Increased chance of getting the Tank or Witch
        * Fixed team swap issue


        * Easier to pounce a Survivor who is meleeing
        * Increased Minimum damage a Hunter pounce does


        * Fixed Smoker tongue tolerance
        * Smoker now has to be killed or the tongue destroyed for the tongue to break
        * Survivors cannot bash someone off the tongue until the Survivor being pulled is paralyzed or hanging
        * Tongue attacks that fail to paralyze or hang a Survivor will use the shorter ability delay timer
        * Fixed cases where the ability timer was not using the correct time
        * Fixed case where you could point at a Survivor but not register a tongue hit
        * Fixed Smoker tongue not targeting and landing properly through PZ ghosts
        * Smoker tongue does damage every second while dragging paralyzed Survivors


        * Bashable objects now appear with a red glow
        * Tanks hitting a car with an alarm disables the alarm permanently
        * Tank frustration timer is only reset by hitting Survivors with rocks or fists
        * Reduced autoshotgun damage against Tanks


        * Witch spawns at the same % through the map for both teams
        * Avoids spawning within a certain % of the tank
        * Fixed an exploit where the Witch could be woken up and tricked into attacking Survivors

    1英伟达或准备RTX 5090定制版,计划2025年推出
    2AMD确认Ryzen 9000系列处理器发售时间:7月31日,不过暂未公布定价
    3华硕发布ROG 雷神3代氮化镓电源,配备显卡供电智能稳压技术,2699元起售
    4英特尔明年或带来Bartlett Lake-S:大小核版1月到来,纯大核版要等到Q3
    6超能课堂(333):AMD锐龙9000和锐龙AI 300处理器CPU、GPU、NPU全解析
    9英特尔Arrow Lake-S有两种芯片:8P+16E和6P+8E,核显最多4个Xe
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