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  • 拼 命 加 载 中 ... * 抢先下载:ATI Catalyst 8.12 显卡驱动

      ATI Catalyst 8.12 还未发布,网上就爆出了正式版驱动测试(非早前的泄漏Beta版),这是ATI官方送测正式版本,至于性能这么样,我们一睹为快。

      从对比8.11测试看来,Catalyst 8.12性能的确无比强大。测试中各个主流游戏性能都有很大的提升,特别是在Fallout3、COD: World at war、Spiderman等游戏中帧速长足不少


    * Intel C2Q6600 @ 2531Mhz
    * OCZ Fatal1ty 4GB DDR2 @ 5-4-4-15
    * Diamond Radeon 4870 1GB
    * Vista Ultimate x64


    SiSoft Sandra 2009 Video Rendering Benchmark

    Call of Duty World at War 设置:

    * 1680×1050 Resolution
    * Aspect Ratio - Auto
    * 4x AA
    * Sync Every Frame - No
    * Specular Map -Yes
    * Ocean Simulation - Yes
    * Dynamic Foliage - Yes
    * Bullet Impacts - Yes
    * Number of Corpses - Medium
    * Texture Filtering - Automatic
    * Texture Quality - Automatic

    Crysis 设置:

    * 1680×1050
    * High Settings
    * 2X AA

    Crysis Warhead 设置:

    * 1680×1050
    * Gamer Mode
    * 2X AA

    Fallout3 设置:

    * 1680×1050 16:10 Widescreen Resolution
    * 4X AA
    * 15X AF
    * HDR is on
    * Vertical Sync is on
    * Texture Quality - high
    * Radial Blur Quality - high
    * Depth of Field is on
    * Transparency Multisampling is on
    * Decal Cap 10
    * Water, everything is set On and High
    * Shadows, everything is High and Max
    * View Distance, everything is Max
    * Distance LOD, evertinhg is Max

    Farcry 设置:

    # Settings DX9 :

    * Demo(Ranch Small)
    * 1680×1050 (59Hz)
    * D3D9
    * Fixed Time Step(No)
    * Disable Artificial Intelligence(No)
    * Full Screen, Anti-Aliasing(2x)
    * VSync(No)
    * Overall Quality(Optimal)
    * Vegetation(Very High)
    * Shading(Very High)
    * Terrain(Very High)
    * Geometry(Very High)
    * Post FX(High)
    * Texture(Very High)
    * Shadow(Very High)
    * Ambient(High)
    * Hdr(Yes)
    * Bloom(Yes)
    * Fire(Very High)
    * Physics(Very High)
    * RealTrees(Very High)

    # Setting DX10:

    * Demo(Ranch Small)
    * 1680×1050 (59Hz)
    * D3D10
    * Fixed Time Step(No)
    * Disable Artificial Intelligence(No)
    * Full Screen, Anti-Aliasing(2x)
    * VSync(No)
    * Overall Quality(Optimal)
    * Vegetation(Very High)
    * Shading(Very High)
    * Terrain(Very High)
    * Geometry(Very High)
    * Post FX(High)
    * Texture(Very High)
    * Shadow(Very High)
    * Ambient(High)
    * Hdr(Yes)
    * Bloom(Yes)
    * Fire(Very High)
    * Physics(Very High)
    * RealTrees(Very High)

    Spiderman Web of Shadows 设置:

    * 1680×1050 Resolution
    * Shadows Enabled
    * Particle Effects Enabled
    * Special Effects Enabled
    * V-Sync Disabled

    相关文章:飞一般感觉,ATI Catalyst 8.12 视频压缩测试


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