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    第一集:Phenom X4初战SuperPi

    第二集:Phenom X4再战Crysis

    第三集:Phenom X4征战3DMark06

      我们的Phenom X4在经历过以上的测试之后,相信大家都会对他的性能有所了解了。不过仍然有许多人希望并要求我们测试一下Cinebench。

      和上几次一样,本次测试旨在说明的是不同核心的性能差异,因此频率都被定制为一样的3GHz而且平台也没有改变,仍然是即将发布的RD790作为AMD方面的测试主板,而Intel平台则使用P35主板,所有设置(如果没有说明)都是默认。显卡是GeForce8800GTX,驱动是最新的169.02,板载声卡使用了Realtek 1.80驱动,操作系统是Windows XP(DX9)。


      在此测试里,我们欣喜地发现,虽然Phenom X4的分数并不如人意,但是其多核性能提升(Multiprocessor Speedup)在所有四核里是最高的。我们认为,Phenom X4的架构能够将每个核心的性能充分分配发挥,达到了是3.9x的效果。这就是原生四核的力量啊。

      但是很可惜,由于其核心的性能实在太差,限制了整颗CPU的发挥。相比QX9650,PhenomX4落后了875,即26.3%,这还是在同一频率下出来的分数,如果使用没有超频的Phenom X4后果则更为严重。请记住,发布时的9500或9600是可是锁频的零售版本。

      而在OpenGL测试里,我们也发现Phenom X4的另一个弱点:OpenGL的性能太差了。不仅被QX9650抛开几条大街,连自家小妹FX62都赢不了,这难道是一个类似于E6850那样的成绩波动?请自行判断。




    Episode 1 :Phenom X4 with SuperPi

    Episode 2:Phenom X4 with Crysis time demo

    Episode 3:Phenom X4 with 3DMark06

    Like the perious episode, all this tests are run in default setting.

    The test focus on the difference of core architecture, so all the frequency are set to the same. As before, we are using a unlocked ES version Phenom X4.

    As before, In AMD test bed we are using the up-coming RD790 mobo. And in Intel test bed we are using P35. Including games, all the setting are in default. We are using GF 8800GTX,Driver is 169.02 WHQL. integrated Soundcard using Realtek 1.80 driver, and OS is XP SP2(DX9).

    An undulate happened in E6850's test. Pls ignore that 6402.

    In this test, we find out that Multiprocessor Speedup of Phenom X4 is the highest one. It is because the architecture of Phenom X4 can split the workload to each core effficently. Comparing to QX9650's poor 3.56X, we think THAT'S THE POWER OF NATIVE QUAD CORE!

    But sadly, each core's poor perfromance limit the total output. We can see this from Rendering(1CPU). Comparing to QX9650,the huge gap of 875 throw Phenom far away. And pls remember this is a OCed ES Phenom X4. a retail 9500 or 9600 can not OC to 3GHz that easily.

    In OpenGL test we think Phenom X4 still done bad. Away from QX9650, Phenom X4 can even beat her sister FX62.Will this be another undulate like Core 2 Duo's ultra high score? judge by yourself.

    Click to see the screenshot:



    1AMD计划推出锐龙5 9600X3D,延续中端X3D产品线
    2雷神推出黑武士CF25F300L显示器:1080P@300Hz,Delta E≤ 2,首发949元
    4英特尔Arc显卡31.0.101.6079 beta驱动:支持《三角洲行动》等新游戏
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