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    We know that in Nov.15 HD 3800 will begin to sell. But we still don't know that RD790 and Phenom X4 will come out earlier(than the AMD plan) or not.

    Here is some news that every AMD fanboy would like:

    AMD is developing a software called "AMD overdrive". Just like nTune, it can adjust different system values. It's interesting that we find out the software can adjust multiple frequencies of different cores independently.

    Personally I think that's good news for people that cares about the total power consumptions of their computers. They can just turn off some cores while they are watching DVDrips.

      现在看来,11月15日和HD3800(RV670)系列显卡发布会上还会同时展出RD790主板,至于Phenom X4会不会也在当天提前露面还不得而知,但是我们在这个平台上发现了Phenom X4的全新玩法。

      是的,和你看到的图片一样,AMD将会提供一个叫“AMD OverDrive”的系统优化软件(类似于nTune),在进行CPU频率调试的时候,我们发现这个软件可以分开调整不同核心的倍频,换而言之,你可以调得4个核心各有各的频率。


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