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    Notice:This Article is using Chinese and English.

      是的,根据消息表示,Nvidia正在紧张地进行680i SLI的3卡SLI的测试。其实让680i SLI进行3卡SLI的驱动程序早在几个星期前就已经开始提供给合作伙伴了,目前的测试也进行的十分顺利。可是,如果手上没有那条特殊的桥接器,估计以PCIe 1.0的带宽是不足以让3卡SLI发挥作用的。不过,在780i SLI上情况或许会好些,因为780i SLI的PCIe是2.0规范的

      当然,NV不可能这么简单就让你吃到这个3卡SLI大蛋糕。就算你得到了绝密的3卡SLI驱动程序,手边又出现了一块3卡连接桥和一张680i SLI,仍然需要三块8800GTX或Ultra才行。我们以前提到过(当然上图也清楚写明了),只有8800Ultra和GTX才可以使用这种特殊的桥接器,进行3卡SLI。

      目前我们已经知道,8800GT(G92)原本应该是和780i SLI同时在11月中旬发售的,最近NV把8800GT的发售时间提早到了10月29日。可780i SLI究竟何时发布呢?


      NV now are having the 3-way SLI driver testing. Actaully the Driver are already handed out to the downsteam mainnufacters for weeks. The progress of the tests are going well. but we should notice the special 3-way bridge in the PIC. 680i SLI can not play 3-way SLI without the bridge. Without the bridge the bandwidth of PCIe1.0 are not enough for three card SLI.

      Of course things are not that easy. Even you've got the driver, the 3-way bridge and a 680i SLI, you cant play 3-way with only that. What we need are three expensive 8800 Ultra or GTX.

      We already know the 8800GT(G92) will come out with 780i SLI in the middle of Nov, and NV pull 8800GT to Oct. 29th. then when will 780i SLI debut?

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